To purchase an All Facility Pass, please follow these steps:
Please Log in to your account. We recommend that you select the main contact name if this is your first time logging in.
If you are new to the Town of Okotoks and/or have not registered for a program or lesson, rented a facility, or purchased a facility pass, please select Create Account.
Select Home, Programs, and/or go directly back to Purchase an All Facility Pass.
Select the Create New Contract (if this is your first time purchasing a pass online) or Use Existing Contract if this is a pass re-newal.
Confirm Start Date or change the date to a date after your current pass expires.
Confirm the Contract User (who you are purchasing a pass for). Select Update PriceConfirm that the Price Results and Contract Summary is correct and select Add to Cart.
If you would like to add additional passes to your cart please select Continue Shopping and repeat steps. If you are satisfied with you purchases, please proceed to Checkout.
Annual passes must be paid in full at the time of purchase.
If you are a Student, please contact the Customer Experience Team.